Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Dollmage

Author: Martine Leavitt
Year: 2002
Age Level: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy (Pure)

Plot Summary: The village of Seekvalley is led by the Dollmage, one woman with the power to guide and protect her people with her mystical abilities. Two girls, Annakey and Renoa, are born on the same day and both have the potential to be the Dollmage. Even though Renoa is favored to become the Dollmage, Annakey develops her skills as well, often in secret. When outsiders threaten the safety of Seekvalley, both girls form plans to save the village with their abilities, but in the end there can only be one Dollmage.

Red Flags: some minor gore, (discrete) rape scene

My rating: C
This was kind of strange book. The first-person narration made it really hard to imagine the world and setting of the story--it was kind of like watching a movie filmed entirely with close-ups. So I didn't really understand why dolls were the method of controlling and creating the society, and it just came off as random. It's hard to take it seriously when it's weird.

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