Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

Author: Judy Blume
Year: 1972
Genre: Novel
Reading Level: Intermediate
Series: Fudge books

Plot Summary: Peter has a new pet turtle named Dribble, and he also has a little brother called Fudge. While Peter finds Fudge all manner of exasperating, most adults think he's cute as can be. Peter endures many trials with Fudge--buying shoes, seeing a movie in the theater, and a birthday party, among others. Fudge's antics culminate in an event that is both gross and tragic.

Red Flags: None, unless you count the antics of a two year old.

My Rating: A-. This was a very fun, entertaining read. It's just little stories, but Peter is a great, likable and sympathetic character. I also really liked the family relationships in this book. Another thing I liked was that even though it was written in the 1970's, it doesn't seem very dated at all.

1 comment:

Luthien Tinuviel said...

You have done some nice work! Well I will keep an eye on your blog. Check out mine if you find some time. Bye :)