Thursday, December 4, 2008


Author: Judy Blume
Year: 1977
Genre: Novel/Romance
Reading Level: Young Adult

Plot Summary: Katherine meets Michael at a New Year's Eve party and the sparks start to fly. Basically they start dating and then they have sex and have sex a whole lot more and plan to be together forever (hence the title). Unfortunately then Kath goes to a tennis camp for the summer and realizes maybe she doesn't want to be with Michael forever. The end.

Red Flags: Lots of detailed sex. Strong language. People smoking "grass." Teen drinking. Oh did I mention all the sex?

My Rating: B-. I'm having a hard time rating this book. Judy Blume is known for her frank depictions of teenage life, but this was not my teenage life at all. So in that way, it doesn't appeal to me and I don't relate to it at all. Other people may feel differently. As for the writing, I think it was all right, but not her best. And I have to wonder: at what point is detail *too* much detail?

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